TPC loves kids! Offering age appropriate programs designed to meet both physical and spiritual needs and help them achieve their full potential in following Christ.
We are blessed with a creative, prayerful and enthusiastic team of men and women who desire to serve the children of this church and community. We would love to have you become a regular member of our "crew!"
Tiny tots
AGES 1 - 2
Sundays 11 AM / Wednesdays 7 PM
Tiny Tots is a two-fold ministry. Our staff provides a warm and safe environment for our toddlers while also ministering to the parents by giving them the opportunity to enjoy the adult worship service without the distraction of caring for their children.
On Sundays at 11:00 AM and Wednesday at 7:00 PM, toddlers enjoy a fun time of snacks, coloring, storytelling, music and puppets as they learn basic Bible truths.
AGES 3 - 6th GRADE
One Sunday a month - Kids Church @ 11AM
Students join together for a time of worship together before splitting off into their individual classes. Our staff uses a variety of approaches like illustrated storytelling, games or object lessons to help students learn important Bible truths!
Every Wednesday at 7 PM
Wednesday evenings are never boring at TPC Kids! Students meet between 6:45 - 7:15 PM for an evening filled with games, worship, and a interactive Bible Story. It’s group Bible study with an emphasis on fun!